Restigouche in History
North Shore Boys Wanted To Halifax
Campbellton Tribune Aug. 9 1939

Halifax, Aug. 3 -- Juvenile court authorities to-day looked into the cases of two orphans who came here from northern New Brunswick timber country seeking work. The boys, Hedley Cameraon, 17, and his brother, Gordon 13, stepped off the tender of the Ocean Limited Monday.

They were given food and shelter and then authorities were notified. The boys told police their parents had died in Jacquet River N.B., four years ago. Since then they have fended for themselves.

They cut pulpwood in winter, each earning 75 cents a day. Living expenses took all their earnings. In summer they worked on farms. A few days ago they left Jacquet River for Moncton. Then they hopped the blind baggage of a Halifax-bound express.

Authorities placed them in St. Patrick's Home until they decide what can be done with them. The lads told police that more than anything else they want to learn to read and write.