Restigouche in History
April 27, 1939
The Campbellton Graphic

Soldies' Memorial Hospital Opened in 1922 - Progress And Growth During The Past Seventeen Years..

In the Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, completed and opened in March 1922, Campbellton has its second up-to-date hospital, modernly equipped, fully standardized, and representing, with the handsome new Nurses' Home erected last year, a plan worth more than $250,000.

The following item which appeared in the Hospital Board's first report, gives a comprehensive sketch of the founding of the institution.

"In the summer of 1918 a number of the citizens of Campbellton realizing that the hospital accomodations at that time, were inadequate to meet the growing demands of this community, and that the time had arrived when we should seriously consider the erection of some suitable memorial to commemorate the memory of many brave lads of the Restigouche and Bay Chaleur district, who had made the supreme sacrifice upon the battlefields of France and Flanders in order that we might continue to enjoy the rights and privileges for which our forefathers fought and died, met and discussed the erection of a general hospital to serve the double purpose.

"Messrs. A. G. Adams, Alex McLennan, D. E. Richards, W. F. Napier and A. A. Andrew were appointed to a committee to look into the matter and report to a later meeting. After obtaining the necessary information they reported recommending the erection of a brick building upon the present site. Their recommendation was heartily endorsed by the citizens and they were authorized to take the necessary steps to insure the erection and completion of the building and the Hon. H. F. McLatchey, Messrs. W. H. Miller, H. A. Carr and M. A. Kelly were appointed to assist them in the undertaking.

"Plans and specifications were prepared and tenders called for in the spring of 1919 but as the prices were considered excessive it was decided to wait for a year in the hope that prices would decline.


"About this time the following persons became incorporated under the name and title of The Restigouche and Bay Chaleur Soldiers Memorial Hospital viz; - Hon. H. F. McLatchy, Chairman; A. A. Andrew, Sec'y-Treasurer; Alex. McLennan, D. E. Richards, W. H. Priest, W. R. McMillan, H. A. Carr, F. M. Anderson, D. A. Steart, A. P. Culligan, P. W. Hamilton, H. R. Montgomery, Thos Busteed, Sutton LeBoutillier, Mrs. Matilda Gallan, Mrs. Mary N. Millican, B.J. Collier, W. F. Napier, M. A. Kelly, D. C. Firth, R. K. Shives, John Devereaux, Joseph Duncan, Alex. Pratt, J. S. Gordon, W. A. McPherson, A. M. Caldwell, C. A. Alexander, F. F. Matheson, James McPherson, E. A. Bouillon and R. P. Travers. The first twenty named to act as trustees.

" In the spring of 1920 tenders were again called for which no better results then on the previous occasion and the Board finally decided to proceed with the erection of the building under the supervision of a competent Superintendent.

This photo was taken in 1920, of the ceremony of the laying of the corner stone of the hospital. The hospital is in the middle of the photo. Check out the roads and those cars. The land in front seems to be freshly cleared with tree stumps and branches still scattered around the field.
(Photo The Tribune)

"The Corner Stone was laid on July 1st, 1920, by Lt.-Col. Alexander McMillan, D. S. O., and the building was completed by March 16th, 1922, on which date it was formally opened."

Since its opening seventeen yeas ago, the hospital services have been steadily improved and new and modern equipment has been added. Today the institution is one of the finest of the Maritimes - a fitting memorial to those whose memory it commorates and a worthy monument to the untiring efforts of those responsable for its outstanding success.

A Nurses' Training School has been maintained since the hospital was opened and more than sixty student nurses have been graduated. Perhaps the biggest single factor in the early success of the hospital was the Ladies Aid Society, an organization which has raised thousands of dollars through annual Fairs, teas, sales and other activities, its members giving most unselfishily of their time and effort since the very beginning of the Memorial Hospital movement.

The late Judge H. F. McLatchey, first Chairman, was succeeded by Eugene Savage, former Mayor of the town, who still occupies the post. Other members of the board are:

Dr. J. J. MacPherson, vice-chairman; G. S. McKnight, secretary-treasurer, W. H. Miller, H. A. Carr, A. A. Andrew, Mrs. W. R. Millican, H. B. Anslow, Mrs. John Collier, Dr. H. Lunam, Chas. Alexander, A. W. Brebner, J. S. Gordon, Mrs. P. Caldwell, who suceeds the late Mrs. D. C. Gallon, all of Campbellto; W. R. MacMillan, of Durham Center, Harry F. Fair, of Oak Bay, Que., Peter Fraser of River Charlo; and R. E. McMillan of New Mills.

Miss Jennie Sullivan is the present Superintendent.

The Soldiers Memorial Hospital and the Nurses' Residence spoken of in the article above.